Email: 9-1-2018

Hello, All!!

It's been almost a year since our 50th Reunion gathering!! It went so fast!!!

There have been some new pictures added (I’m still trying to finish uploading pics from Sharon Scott, but so far only 2 out of 10 have uploaded. The others have been rude and uncooperative but I’ll keep trying. Keep checking on them – I’m sure to win…….!)

The survey that Tonda sent out earlier in the year resulted in a vote to allow ½ of left over funds to go to the website, so we are now prepaid for up to five years on the website and the domain name. Hopefully, more grads will use the website to keep us all connected so we won’t have that lengthy search from this last Reunion. You can also chat, send messages to each other, announce news in the family or community, etc.

I have received NO NEWS to add to the “In Memoriam” list, which is a good thing considering the alternative. However, I believe we all wish sincere thoughts for Shellee Wood for her mother’s recent passing. RIP Mary Wood.

Last email, the idea of a yearly get together was tossed out. This year will be our cumulative 70th year on this earth, and I’m leading the way on September 2. I’m having a party with the 60’s Love/Peace theme of “Hippie Chick”, since I somewhat missed out on most of the hippie stuff. I’ll try to post pictures. Nevertheless, if anyone wants to pick up the gauntlet of setting up a get together (perhaps a Sunday afternoon, maybe Denison, maybe further South or a Saturday night). Think about it and volunteer.

Remember to send a note to me if you have news to share in our emails. Hope to hear from you soon!!

Kathryn Mosse, Administrator
